338 6th Avenue (at 4th Street)
Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11215718-965-3391
Founded 1980 by Nicolas Coppola, Artistic Directorpuppetworksinfo@gmail.com
Have your Private Party with Us!
We'll perform our show currently installed . . . you do everything else.Saturdays & Sundays & most Holidays from 4:00 to 6:30 pm
Arrive @ 4:00,Show begins @ 4:30 to 5:30,One Hour Party Timeafter the performance.You may bring no more than40 persons(children & adults combined).Eating will be permitted
Party Set-Up, view from stage
Party Set-Up, view toward stage
"Thank you so much all for an amazing show & party!We have sincere gratitude & appreciation for the entire crew at Puppetworks."- Carolyn Weiss